Taken from Fisheaters:
A Catholic may ask any priest to offer Mass for a certain intention, whether or not the priest is personally known to him, whether or not the person is able to attend that specific Mass. When requesting this, money plays no inherent role. No one can ever “buy a Mass.” But it is customary to offer what’s called a “stipend,” a small amount recommended by a priest’s Bishop. A Catholic can offer as much as he likes, however, but no money is required to ask that a Mass be said for a specific intention.
Because the merits of the Mass are infinite, any number of intentions may be made in a given Mass, but a priest can only receive one stipend per day, no matter how many Masses he offers that day (though note that priests usually offer a single Mass a day, with some exceptions, such as on Christmas, on All Souls Day, where there is a shortage of priests, etc.). This is to remove even any appearance of simony.
If you would like to request a Mass intention, please contact Cindy at St. Augustin. You can call her (515-255-1175), stop by the office, or email her (cindy@staugustin.org) with your requested dates.
If you want it for the TLM, please specify that.
The suggested stipend is $5.00 – $10.00.
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