Throughout the year, the Church prays different Marian Antiphons based on the proper liturgical season. We’ll post the current Antiphon throughout the year:
Advent/Christmas: Alma Redemptoris Mater
Lent: Ave Regina Caelorum
Easter: Regina Caeli
Pentecost: Salve Regina
A Benedictine monk once called these a lullaby to Mary. Typically chanted in a quiet chapel in candlelight just before the monastic community retired for their evening slumber, it makes sense why he called it a “lullaby”.
This is a great way to incorporate an important part of the traditional liturgical life into your family life.
So, visit these different webpages at the beginning of a new liturgical season, and brush up on your Marian antiphon/chant, and sing your lullaby to Mary each evening.
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