Promoting Traditional Catholicism in Central Iowa

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Check Out Benedictus!

A New Monthly Booklet For Daily Use! (Subscription Required)
Scroll down to read more or visit at

Pray the Traditional Latin Mass, with the 1962 Missale Romanum presented in a clear and simple format. Continuous Latin and English text with reduced rubrics are included for Sundays (no page-jumping required), and complete Mass propers are offered in English for weekdays and feasts of each month.

Enter the broader stream of Catholic liturgy with daily excerpts included from both Lauds and Vespers of the 1960 Breviarum Romanum, the official morning and evening hours of prayer used by clergy and religious throughout the world.

Learn at the feet of Catholic spiritual masters each day, with devout meditations curated exclusively from saints and scholars who prayed and loved the Ancient Mass, from the Early Church to the early 1900s.

Dive deeper into our heritage of Faith through insightful mini-essays on the feasts and saints of the traditional calendar, as well as brief catecheses and ideas for extending a liturgical life into the home.

Several pages of superb Catholic prayers, proven over generations of pious use. Some are offered in Latin as well as English, to further enable and enrich personal and communal prayer in the mother tongue of the Church.

Contemplate a masterpiece of religious art in every issue, rendered in stunning color and clarity. Thematic works are selected to suit each month, and print subscribers receive a separable holy card with every issue.

Foster a vibrantly Catholic culture with monthly pages of edifying prose, poetry, or music. Enjoyable in themselves, selections are made to help cultivate a thoroughly Catholic imagination.

We have a 2021 Liturgical Calendar!

UPDATE: 12/29/2020 We are completely sold out of our 2021 calendars! Thank you to everyone for their patronage!

Friends, we have a personalized 2021 liturgical calendar!

Thanks to TAN Press and the graphic design of Jose Vitteri, we have a 2021 Liturgical Calendar just in time for Christmas shopping!

The unique 12″ x 12″, card stock cover calendar contains high quality images of St. Padre Pio, the patron saint of Una Voce Des Moines, and a beloved Italian stigmatist and priest.

Here are some images:

Each day has indications for the liturgical calendar in both Extraordinary and Ordinary Forms, as well as abstinence or fast symbols.  Note that under each day of the week there is a theme which is traditionally observed.

There’s an entire page on spiritual fasting and the symbols that each day indicate.

Proceeds benefit Una Voce Des Moines and the continued promotion of the Traditional Mass throughout Central Iowa.  Be sure to share with your friends and family, but order quickly as Christmas is in a few weeks and we have a limited supply!

Calendars are $20 a piece (additional cost for shipping TBD).

For more information, email Bryan @ or call/text 812.686.6102.

A Protestant Goes to Mass…

As someone who only fairly recently in his life started attending Latin Mass, I can related to awe this man felt at his first couple Latin Masses.

Habemus Kalendarium! (We have a Calendar) SOLD OUT

UPDATE 2/4/2020 We are sold out for the year. We would like to thank everyone for their patronage and hope they return next winter for the 2021 calendar.

Friends, we have a personalized 2020 liturgical calendar!

Thanks to the excellent photos of Lisa Bourne, as well as Jose Vitteri’s graphic design skills, we have a 2020 Liturgical Calendar just in time for Christmas shopping!

The unique 12″ x 12″, card stock calendar contains high quality images of Traditional Masses celebrated at St. Anthony’s and the Basilica of St. John by Msgr. Chiodo, Fr. Chicoine, Fr. Dolan, Fr. Cassian, and Fr. Benedict.

Here are some images:

Each day has indications for the liturgical calendar in both Extraordinary and Ordinary Forms, as well as abstinence or fast symbols.  Note that under each day of the week there is a theme which is traditionally observed.

There’s an entire page on spiritual fasting and the symbols that each day indicate.

Yes, friends, it looks like this:

Proceeds benefit Una Voce Des Moines and the continued promotion of the Traditional Mass throughout Central Iowa.  Be sure to share with your friends and family, but order quickly as Christmas is in a few weeks and we have a limited supply!

Calendars are $20 a piece (additional cost for shipping TBD).

Can be purchased through PayPal or make a check payable to “Una Voce Des Moines” or give us a check at Sunday Mass. SOLD OUT

For more information, email Bryan @ or call/text 812.686.6102.

Attendance Increases, Average Age Decreases at St. Anthony TLM

Since the Traditional Latin Mass has moved upstairs in Sept 2017, we have seen a 140% increase in mass attendance, while the average age (as estimated during July 2019) is 28.6 years old.  

Many young people are serving, sure, but we have many young families with young children praying weekly in the pews.  

If you are interested in learning more about the Traditional Latin Mass, or maybe you want to explore if it’s a good option for your children’s religious formation, join us on a Sunday at 5pm, and be sure to read this article before you attend.

Traditional Baptism

In March 2019, the Chapel at Mercy College of Health Science had its first Traditional Baptism!

Thanks to Fr. Windschitl for welcoming Baby Helena into Church!

Mass with Bishop Pates

On December 2, 2018, +His Excellency, Bishop Pates, joined the Traditional Latin Mass Community for our weekly celebration and our monthly potluck.

It was an honor for us to have him join us, and we appreciate that he has allowed us to celebrate this weekly since 2007.  He preached and sat in choir, and it was the first time – to our knowledge – that a +Bishop has joined us for the Sunday celebration.

Ad multos annos, +Bishop Pates, and many blessings in retirement!

Traditional Baptism

Back in January 2019, a local family baptized their newborn according to the ancient baptismal rite at St. Augustin’s by the Reverend Christopher Pisut.  

This marks 5 different local diocesan churches which have celebrated the Traditional Baptismal Rite in the past 12 months:  St. Anthony’s, Basilica of St. John, St. Augustin, St. Theresa, and Mercy College of Health Science Chapel.

If you are interested in having your child baptized, reach out to Una Voce Des Moines, and we can assist in preparing the priest and a booklet for you.

Traditional Triduum Update

The schedule for the Traditional Liturgies during Holy Week is posted.  We wish you and yours a blessed Triduum and joyful Easter.
A few additional notes:  

  • We had a wonderful showing for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning lectures for Dr. Denis McNamara the weekend of March 23/24th.  His presentations on Church Architecture were so important in our times, and then to see the worldwide reaction to Monday’s tragedy in Paris (see these stunning images!) gave me a sense that deep down inside, people have a longing for beautiful church architecture.  Pray for the people of Paris — and for the world — that McNamara’s work may continue to influence architects to a return to the classical approach.  (N.B. Thanks to those who helped financially support the event, especially a recent donor who helped us break even with a generous $400 donation!)

  • For those who are parishioners at St. Anthony’s, the Annual Diocesan Appeal is ongoing.  It’s important to show our support of Msgr. Chiodo, St. Anthony’s, and the Traditional Latin Mass community that we participate.  If you’ve not already done so, please consider a gift to the ADA.  If you do, write something like “TLM” or “Latin Mass” in the memo line, or write a note that says, “I support the Extraordinary Form” in a letter to let both the Diocese and St. Anthony know that we are doing our part.

  • On Sunday, May 5th, you are cordially invited to the First Holy Communions of four of our children.  It is in conjunction with the 1st Sunday of the month potluck, so nothing is different, other than the potluck will be in the parish hall (ie, the gym), since we anticipate more people to celebrate the 1st Communions of Antonia, Matthew, John Paul, and Damien.
  • Finally, Una Voce Des Moines has a unique opportunity to participate in extending the altar rail at St. Anthony’s!  St. Anthony’s has benefactors funding the rail itself (as I understand it, it won’t go across the entire entrance of the sanctuary, but close).  To underscore the importance of the communion rail to our traditional style of worship, Una Voce Des Moines has agreed to fund the padding for kneeling, so that the faithful can more reverently receive the Eucharist.  This padding is estimated to be $500, and we are encouraging you — after you’ve made your donation to the ADA! — to assist Una Voce Des Moines with a financial contribution to this noble project of adding reverence to the Holy Mass at St. Anthony’s.

The officers and I plan on being around at the Holy Week liturgies, if you have any questions about these projects/events. 

With gratitude for your service to Our Lord in the traditional expression of liturgical worship throughout central Iowa, we wish you a joyful Eastertide!

2019 Traditional Triduum Schedule

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