Promoting Traditional Catholicism in Central Iowa

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TLM in Des Moines Changes Time


Starting Sunday, August 7th, the weekly TLM at St. Augustin moves to 4pm.

Here is Fr. Pisut’s note announcing the change:

Dear TLM Community,

Believe it or not it has been a month since the TLM has moved to St.
Augustin. By all accounts things seem to be going well. I have a pastor’s
column that goes out in a weekly email that you should get if you are
registered at the parish (one more reason to register). However, I thought it
would be helpful if I reached out to just the TLM community to update you
on a few things. I might do this from time to time to keep communication
open and to help build the TLM Community.

In order to help with the transition of the TLM from St. Anthony’s to St.
Augustin and aid in my pastoring of the community I assembled a TLM
Council. It’s basically like a parish/pastoral council. I chose membership
based upon people who held leadership roles in the TLM itself (MC’s and
Choir Director), St. Anthony’s Pastoral Council members and Una Voce
officers. Members of the TLM Council are Andy Milam, Jacob Heflin, Taylor
Fernholz, Tom Ogden, Jason Pendergraft, Wendy Ogden, Bryan Gonzalez,
Rachel Marr, Audra Hutton, Rosie Heflin and Samantha Fernholz. While
you are always free to reach out to me, you can also bring questions and concerns to these members as well.

We would like to facilitate a smoother reception of Holy Communion at Mass. We ask that when receiving you begin the line at the far right (Epistle) side all the way to the far left (Gospel) side of the altar/communion rail.
When the railing is full, we ask that you stand in front of the pews in the same direction from left to right (Epistle to Gospel side) and fill in as people depart the altar/communion rail. To this end we will have ushers help to
direct people, but we hope that this will be a short-term necessity and that they will eventually not be required.

In addition, our altar/communion rail cloth has arrived. It will hang over the front of the railing. As you kneel simply fold your hands underneath the cloth. The altar/communion rail cloth is one of the many great traditions
of our Catholic Faith. It is a sign of the sacredness of Holy Communion. Historically, it was a means of catching the host should it fall, like the patens that we also use out of reverence for the Sacred Species. In addition, by
keeping our hands under the cloth it is a reminder that we are to receive our Lord reverently on the tongue.

Many of the TLM families also home school. One of the preferred educational methods is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS), though it is not limited to home schooling. We are blessed at St. Augustin to have a well-established program under the leadership of Janis Falk, our Director of Religious Education. Some of you may already be familiar with her. If you are interested in enrolling your children in the CGS program please contact
Janis or Cindy Sullivan, our Office Manager.

Lastly, I am pleased to announce that beginning August 7, 2022, the TLM will move to 4:00 P.M. This decision was made after consultation with and the unanimous agreement of the TLM Council and the approval of +Bishop Joensen. This change represents a listening to the TLM community and an attempt to provide for your needs. I do recognize that many would prefer a morning Mass time. While I understand your desire, it simply is not possible with the Mass schedule at St. Augustin. Still, the new Mass time will help to facilitate earlier dinner times, mitigate nighttime winter driving and make your evening schedules easier overall. Do not fear, confession will still be available before Mass from 3:15-3:45 in the east/St. Joseph side confessional.

I hope that after a month that you are starting to feel at home at St. Augustin. Though I was not expecting this role it is my pleasure to be your pastor. I look forward to strengthening the TLM community as we give glory to God through the Holy Sacrifice of this ancient and perennial form of the Mass. As you should have grasped from the reception following the first Mass, you are welcome here. I will say it one last time, welcome home.

Fr. Pisut

Marian Antiphon: Salve Regina

Throughout the year, the Church prays different Marian Antiphons based on the proper liturgical season.  We’ll post the current Antiphon throughout the year:

Advent/Christmas:  Alma Redemptoris Mater
Lent:  Ave Regina Caelorum
Easter: Regina Caeli
Pentecost:  Salve Regina

Here’s great article about the different seasons, highlighting the Salve Regina, which is sung from Pentecost until the first Sunday of Advent.

Here’s a video of the antiphon sung to the Simple Tone by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos; chant score is from the Liber Usualis (1961), p 279.    (English translation below.)

Here’s the chant score of the Simple Tone version, from the Liber Usualis:

This comes from “Singing the Four Seasonal Marian Anthems,” by Lucy Carroll, published in Adoremus; it includes an English translation of the antiphon:

The Salve Regina has also been credited to Herimann the Lame (Hermanus Contractus), monk of Reichenau, but it is also attributed to Adhemar de Monteil (+1098) and Saint Bernard (+1153). It has become a traditional Carmelite hymn, sung at Carmelite events throughout the world. It is sung as a seasonal anthem from the day after Pentecost Sunday until the first Sunday of Advent. As a spoken prayer, it has also been added to the conclusion of the rosary, so it is perhaps the most familiar of these four texts to Catholics.

Salve Regina, mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra salve. Ad te clamamus, exules filii Evae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes, in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, advocate nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos, ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. O Clemens, o pia, o dulcis virgo Maria.

This early translation is by the Reverend Adrian Fortescue, 1913:

Hail holy queen, mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.

Join us on Sunday, June 12th!

For the first time in decades, the Traditional Latin Mass will return to St. Augustin Church in Des Moines on Sunday, June 12th at 5pm.

As you recall, the Diocese has announced that the weekly celebration of the TLM will be moved to St. Augustin from now on.

Following this inaugural TLM on Sunday, June 12th, there will be a welcome reception by the parish for the TLM community.

At Una Voce DSM, we’re grateful to Fr. Pisut, the Knights of Columbus, and Altar & Rosary Society for “rolling out the red carpet” and welcoming us.

If you’ve not been to a TLM before, join us on Trinity Sunday!

Mass of the Ages Documentary

Discover the Latin Mass in a way you never have!


MASS OF THE AGES is a documentary trilogy that explores the richness of the Traditional Latin Mass through stunning cinematography and inspiring stories. But it’s not just three beautiful films. It’s also an investigation into the surprising events that led to the creation of the New Mass. MASS OF THE AGES will give you a deep appreciation for your Catholic faith.

Episode 1 debuted in August 2015 and Episode 2 debuted in May 2022.

Enjoy these two episodes, and encourage your family and friends to join us one a Sunday (or two) at St. Augustin’s Des Moines @ 5pm.

For more questions:

Diocesan Announcement about TLM Location Change

Dear Traditionally-minded friends,

Good evening! A special thanks to Fr. Chicoine for celebrating the TLM this evening, and to Fr. Pisut for announcing this news (see official announcement below) that will affect our TLM community. 

On behalf of Una Voce Des Moines, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to St. Anthony’s and Msgr. Chiodo, and all of the associate pastors who have celebrated the TLM over the years – most recently, Fr. Dolan – for their steadfast commitment to the traditional mass, the traditional sacraments, and our community. We will greatly miss the St Anthony community. 

Ever since last summer, when the motu proprio was issued, His Excellency has made it clear that the TLM community was an important part of the Diocese of Des Moines. 

This move to St. Augustin demonstrates the diocese’s ongoing commitment to providing stable pastoral care to the TLM community, for which we are all grateful. 

I am grateful to Fr. Pisut for his willingness to accept our young and growing community into his well-established parish.

The leaders of Una Voce Des Moines and the TLM community look forward to working  together with Fr. Pisut and St. Augustin to make this transition as smooth as possible. 

Wishing you and yours a blessed Mothers Day!

Oremus pro invicem,

Bryan Gonzalez
Una Voce Des Moines

St. Padre Pio Statue is Installed and Dedicated

Back in the spring 2021, the officers of Una Voce Des Moines invited you to participate in a project to commission a statue of St. Padre Pio.  Despite delays due to covid and shipping complications, the statue arrived this month, and we have mounted it on the last colonnade near the SE doors.  

First, we want to thank you for your support in offering this as a gift to St. Anthony’s for their weekly celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.  Following the announcement from His Excellency earlier this month, this gift seems all the more appropriate.

And, to Msgr. Chiodo, Father Dolan, and all the priests who celebrate this Mass and serve this community:  thank you for welcoming the Traditional Latin Mass into the parish on a regular basis.  We appreciate having a home and feeling so welcome.  We are honored and delighted to make this oblation to you.

Padre Pio is a beloved Italian saint, and its veneration will be well-received at St. Anthony’s.

You’ll notice below the statue, there’s a plaque, which reads:

Per il mondo sarebbe più facile esistere senza il sole
che senza la Santa Messa.

(It would be easier for the world to exist without the sun
than without the Holy Mass.)

– Padre Pio

In thanksgiving for the frequent offering
of the Traditional Latin Mass,
this statue of St. Padre Pio is a gift
from the Members of Una Voce Des Moines

This saying from Padre Pio highlights one of the reasons we all attend this solemn liturgical rite.

Here are some photos:

We have a 2022 Liturgical Calendar!

Friends, we have a personalized 2022 liturgical calendar!

Thanks to TAN Press and the graphic design of Jose Vitteri, we have a 2022 Liturgical Calendar just in time for Advent/Christmas shopping!

The unique 11″ x 11″, card stock cover calendar contains high quality images of Traditionis Pulchritudo, The Beauty of Tradition, which happens to be the theme of this year’s calendar.

Here are some images:

Each day has indications for the liturgical calendar in both Usus Antiquior (old calendar feast days) and the Usus Recentior (new calendar feast days), as well as abstinence or fast symbols.  Note that under each day of the week there is a theme which is traditionally observed.

There’s an entire page on spiritual fasting and the symbols that each day indicate.

Proceeds benefit Una Voce Des Moines and the continued promotion of the Traditional Mass throughout Central Iowa, whose home is at St. Anthony’s

Be sure to share with your friends and family, but order quickly as Christmas is in a few weeks and we have a limited supply!

Calendar costs:

1 calendar – $20

6 calendar – $100

(Additional cost for shipping TBD)

For more information, email Bryan @ or call/text 812.686.6102.

The Diocese of Des Moines Responds to Traditionis Custodes

Back in mid-July, Pope Francis issued a motu proprio which made certain restrictions regarding the Usus Antiquior, the use of the 1962 Missal.

On Sunday, October 10th, His Excellency, William Joensen, Bishop of Des Moines, issued the following document which was read at the weekly TLM at St. Anthony’s.

On behalf of Una Voce Des Moines, we’re grateful to both His Excellency for his continued pastoral care to and support of those who are spiritually fed and nourished by the the ancient form of the Mass, as well as to the dedicated priests who faithfully celebrate it, especially Msgr. Chiodo and Fr. Dolan.

Ad multos annos!

The PDF can be viewed here.

Response to today’s Motu Proprio, Traditionis Custodes

This morning, His Holiness, Pope Francis issued a motu proprio called Traditionis Custodes, along with a clarifying letter to the Bishops of the World, which addresses the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

Una Voce Des Moines has been in touch with the Diocese and with St. Anthony’s, who published a statement on their Facebook page.

If you do have questions or concerns, please direct them to Una Voce Des Moines Officer, Andy Milam (

When we know more information, we’ll share as soon as possible. 

As more comes to light, let us offer prayers and fasting for all involved, including the Bishops, Priests, and Faithful of the world who have a devotion to the Traditional Latin Mass.

Beatae Mariae Virgine de Monte Carmelo, ora pro nobis.

A Gift to St. Anthony’s: A St. Padre Pio Statue

Dear Friends of Una Voce Des Moines,

Blessings to you on this Tuesday following Laetare Sunday!

The Officers of Una Voce Des Moines wish to invite you to a unique opportunity to say “thank you” to St. Anthony’s for hosting the Traditional Latin Mass (or the Extraordinary Form) for the past 13+ years.  With this gift, we hope to continue being here for many years to come.

The Una Voce Des Moines patron — as you recall from the 2021 calendar — is St. Padre Pio.  He’s a holy saintly confessor, priest, stigmatist, and Italian, which makes him a natural fit for a parish with Italian roots to be the beneficiary of a statue of Padre Pio.

Padre Pio is an interesting saint.  While he is considered a contemporary Catholic, he was trained and celebrated exclusively the Traditional Latin Mass during his lifetime.  When the liturgical changes occurred at the end of his life, his vision was poor and declining, so he celebrated the “Mass of the Ages” which he had been celebrating for 50+ years by heart.  The traditional Mass was a part of his very being.

Una Voce Des Moines is delighted to commission this custom statue to be produced by the Fathers of Mercy, 50″ in height, a 12″ x 12″ base:  fiberglass, oil painted finish, and glass eyes.   The estimated time arrival of the statue is this summer.

The cost of the entire project is $3,000, and it is our hope to find 15 donors who can cover $200.  A plaque will be created with an inscription attributing the donation to Una Voce Des Moines, as a gesture of our gratitude to St. Anthony’s for hosting the TLM over these years, so any amount will be helpful in achieving our goal.

If you’re able to support this noble endeavor, please consider making a donation via PayPal (keep in mind, there are fees, so if you’re going to cover $200, please add a little extra to cover the fees).

Otherwise, feel free to find me at Mass on Sunday, where I plan to make another announcement.

Since Una Voce DSM is *not* a non-profit organization, your donation isn’t tax deductible.  Nevertheless, we invite you to do something special for St. Anthony’s.

Per il mondo sarebbe più facile esistere senza il sole che senza la Santa Messa.
(It would be easier for the world to exist without the sun than without the Holy Mass.)- Padre Pio

With gratitude for your anticipated generosity which you show towards St. Anthony’s,
Bryan Gonzalez
President, Una Voce Des Moines

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